
46 lines
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name = "worblehat"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Worblehat is a simple library management system written specifically for Programvareverkstedet"
authors = []
license = "MIT"
readme = "README.md"
alembic = "^1.9.4"
click = "^8.1.3"
flask = "^2.2.2"
flask-admin = "^1.6.1"
flask-sqlalchemy = "^3.0.3"
isbnlib = "^3.10.14"
python = "^3.11"
sqlalchemy = "^2.0.8"
psycopg2-binary = "^2.9.6"
werkzeug = "^2.3.3"
poethepoet = "^0.20.0"
worblehat = "worblehat.main:main"
clean = """
rm -rf
# Migration related
genmigration = "alembic revision --autogenerate -m"
migrate = "alembic upgrade head"
downmigrate = "alembic downgrade -1"
# Be careful with cleanmigrations. If you run migrate a database and then
# delete the migration file with this, there will be no easy way of downgrading
cleanmigrations = "git clean -f worblehat/models/migrations/versions"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"