
33 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Evaluate where
import Base (State(..), BFAction(..))
import Memory
import Formatter
import qualified Data.HashMap as HM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
type ActionResult = (State, Maybe (IO ()))
processAction :: State -> BFAction -> ActionResult
processAction s@State {pointer, memory, codePos, jumpTable} instruction = let
noIO :: State -> ActionResult
noIO s = (s, Nothing)
jump :: ActionResult
jump = case HM.lookup codePos jumpTable of
Just jumpTo -> noIO $ s { pointer = jumpTo }
Nothing -> (s, Just $ T.putStrLn "ERROR: no matching jump point")
in case instruction of
MoveRight -> noIO $ s { pointer = pointer + 1 }
MoveLeft -> noIO $ s { pointer = pointer - 1 }
Increment -> noIO $ s { memory = increment memory pointer }
Decrement -> noIO $ s { memory = decrement memory pointer }
Replace -> noIO $ s { memory = setMemAdr memory pointer $ getMemAdr memory $ getMemAdr memory pointer }
Print -> (s, Just $ prettyPrintState' s)
JumpRight -> jump
JumpLeft -> jump