class Bank(val allowedAttempts: Integer = 3, val workers: Integer = 5) { private val transactionsQueue: TransactionQueue = new TransactionQueue() private val processedTransactions: TransactionQueue = new TransactionQueue() private var processingThreadsStarted = false; private val processingThreads: List[Thread] = (1 to workers).map(_ => new Thread { override def run = processTransactions }).toList private var addedTransactions = 0 def addTransactionToQueue(from: Account, to: Account, amount: Double): Unit = { transactionsQueue.push(new Transaction( transactionsQueue, processedTransactions, from, to, amount, allowedAttempts, )) addedTransactions += 1 processingThreadsStarted.synchronized({ if (!processingThreadsStarted) { processingThreads.foreach(t => { t.start }) processingThreadsStarted = true; } }) } // TODO // project task 2 // create a new transaction object and put it in the queue // spawn a thread that calls processTransactions // This function is a worker that continuously // pops elements from the queue and processes them. // Multiple of these can be run on separate threads. private def processTransactions: Unit = { val maybeTrx = transactionsQueue.synchronized( if (transactionsQueue.isEmpty) None else Some(transactionsQueue.pop) ) maybeTrx match { case Some(trx) => { Main.thread( if (trx.status == TransactionStatus.PENDING) { transactionsQueue.push(trx) } else { processedTransactions.push(trx) } } case None => Thread.sleep(50) } processTransactions } // TODO // project task 2 // Function that pops a transaction from the queue // and spawns a thread to execute the transaction. // Finally do the appropriate thing, depending on whether // the transaction succeeded or not def addAccount(initialBalance: Double): Account = { new Account(this, initialBalance) } def getProcessedTransactionsAsList: List[Transaction] = { processedTransactions.iterator.toList } }