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2021-10-11 22:32:48 +02:00
module DrawingBoard exposing (Point, Stroke, Msg(..), update, viewCanvas, addPendingPointToStrokes)
import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Attributes exposing (id)
import Html.Events.Extra.Mouse as Mouse
import Canvas exposing (..)
import Canvas.Settings as CS
import Canvas.Settings.Line as CS
import Color
import List exposing (map, map2, head, tail, reverse)
import Tuple exposing (pair)
import Maybe as M
import Time
import Task
type alias Point = (Float, Float)
type alias Stroke = {
xs : List Float
, ys : List Float
, times : List Float
, startTime : Float
emptyStroke : Stroke
emptyStroke = {xs = [], ys = [], times = [], startTime = 0}
type Msg = AddStroke Point
| UpdatePending Point
| EndStroke
| GotStartTime Time.Posix Stroke
| GotPendingPointTime Time.Posix Point
{-| Update the stroke list based on mouse/touch events -}
update : Msg -> List Stroke -> Maybe Point -> ((List Stroke, Maybe Point), Cmd Msg)
update msg strokes pendingPoint =
case msg of
AddStroke point -> addEmptyStroke point strokes
UpdatePending point ->
case pendingPoint of
Just _ -> ((strokes, Just point), Cmd.none)
Nothing -> ((strokes, Nothing), Cmd.none)
EndStroke -> ((strokes, Nothing), Cmd.none)
GotStartTime time stroke -> ((strokes ++ [addStartTimeToStroke time stroke], pendingPoint), Cmd.none)
GotPendingPointTime time point -> ((updateStrokeWithTime strokes point time, pendingPoint), Cmd.none)
applyToLastStroke : (Stroke -> Stroke) -> List Stroke -> List Stroke
applyToLastStroke func strokes =
reverseStrokes = reverse strokes
lastStroke = head reverseStrokes
strokesWithoutLastStroke = reverse <| tail reverseStrokes
(M.withDefault [] strokesWithoutLastStroke) ++ [func (M.withDefault emptyStroke lastStroke)]
addEmptyStroke : Point -> List Stroke -> ((List Stroke, Maybe Point), Cmd Msg)
addEmptyStroke point strokes =
((strokes, Just point), Task.perform (\t -> GotStartTime t emptyStroke)
processTime : Time.Posix -> Float
processTime time = toFloat <| (Time.posixToMillis time) // 1000
addStartTimeToStroke : Time.Posix -> Stroke -> Stroke
addStartTimeToStroke time stroke = {stroke | startTime = processTime time}
updateStrokeWithTime : List Stroke -> Point -> Time.Posix -> List Stroke
updateStrokeWithTime strokes (x,y) time =
updateLastStroke stroke =
{ stroke |
xs = stroke.xs ++ [x]
, ys = stroke.ys ++ [y]
, times = stroke.times ++ [processTime time]
applyToLastStroke updateLastStroke strokes
addPendingPointToStrokes : Maybe Point -> Cmd Msg
addPendingPointToStrokes point =
case point of
(Nothing) -> Cmd.none
(Just (x,y)) -> Task.perform (\t -> GotPendingPointTime t (x,y))
{-| Convert a stroke into a viewable shape for the canvas -}
strokeToPath : Stroke -> Shape
strokeToPath {xs, ys} =
start : Point
start = M.map2 pair (head xs) (head ys)
|> M.withDefault (0, 0)
rest : List PathSegment
rest = M.map2 pair (tail xs) (tail ys)
|> (\(list1, list2) -> map2 pair list1 list2)
|> M.withDefault []
|> map lineTo
path start rest
{-| Settings for all strokes to be drawn on the canvas -}
strokeStyle : List CS.Setting
strokeStyle = [ CS.stroke
, CS.lineWidth 2.0
, CS.lineCap CS.RoundCap
, CS.lineJoin CS.RoundJoin
{-| Generate a canvas based on the current strokes -}
viewCanvas : List Stroke -> Html Msg
viewCanvas strokes = Canvas.toHtml (500, 500)
[ id "canvas"
, Mouse.onDown (\e -> AddStroke e.offsetPos)
, Mouse.onMove (\e -> UpdatePending e.offsetPos)
, Mouse.onUp (\_ -> EndStroke)
[ clear (0,0) 500 500
, shapes strokeStyle (map strokeToPath strokes)