{ pkgs ? import {} }: with pkgs.stdenv.lib; let name = "pure-css"; version = "v2.0.6"; # pull in the code for building npm packages nodePackages = import ./npm-packages.nix { inherit pkgs; inherit (pkgs) stdenv nodejs fetchurl fetchgit; neededNatives = [ pkgs.python ] ++ pkgs.lib.optional pkgs.stdenv.isLinux pkgs.utillinux; self = nodePackages; }; buildModules = [ nodePackages."bower" nodePackages."grunt" nodePackages."grunt-cli" nodePackages."grunt-contrib-cssmin" nodePackages."grunt-contrib-clean" nodePackages."grunt-contrib-copy" nodePackages."grunt-contrib-concat" nodePackages."grunt-contrib-compress" nodePackages."grunt-contrib-csslint" nodePackages."grunt-contrib-watch" nodePackages."grunt-css-selectors" nodePackages."grunt-pure-grids" nodePackages."grunt-stripmq" ]; in pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "${name}-${version}"; src = pkgs.fetchgit { url = https://github.com/pure-css/pure; rev = "refs/tags/v2.0.6"; sha256 = "049ac2ef812771852978d11cd5aecac2dd561e97bb16ad89c79eb1e10aa57672"; }; buildInputs = buildModules; buildCommand = '' cp -r $src src chmod +w src cd src grunt ''; }