
847 lines
19 KiB

"query": "車",
"found": true,
"results": [
"english": "If we can't get the money in any other way, we can, as a last resort, sell the car.",
"kanji": "他の方法でお金がつくれなければ最後の手段として車を売り払えばよい。",
"kana": "ほかのほうほうでおかねがつくれなければさいごのしゅだんとしてくるまをうりはらえばよい。",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "ほか",
"unlifted": "他の"
"lifted": "ほうほう",
"unlifted": "方法"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "で"
"lifted": "おかね",
"unlifted": "お金"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "が"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "つくれ"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "なければ"
"lifted": "さいごのしゅだん",
"unlifted": "最後の手段"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "として"
"lifted": "くるま",
"unlifted": "車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "を"
"lifted": "うりはら",
"unlifted": "売り払えば"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "よい"
"english": "Any car will do, as long as it runs.",
"kanji": "走りさえすれば、どんな車でもよいのです。",
"kana": "はしりさえすれば、どんなくるまでもよいのです。",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "はし",
"unlifted": "走り"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "さえすれば"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "どんな"
"lifted": "くるま",
"unlifted": "車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "でも"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "よい"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "のです"
"english": "Looking out the window, I saw a car coming.",
"kanji": "窓の外を見ると、車が1台来るのが見えた。",
"kana": "まどのそとをみると、くるまがいちだいきたるのがみえた。",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "まど",
"unlifted": "窓"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "の"
"lifted": "そと",
"unlifted": "外"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "を"
"lifted": "み",
"unlifted": "見る"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "と"
"lifted": "くるま",
"unlifted": "車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "が"
"lifted": "いちだい",
"unlifted": "1台"
"lifted": "きた",
"unlifted": "来る"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "の"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "が"
"lifted": "み",
"unlifted": "見えた"
"english": "What a nice car you have! You must have paid a lot for it.",
"kanji": "素敵な車じゃない。ずいぶん高かっただろう?",
"kana": "すてきなくるまじゃない。ずいぶんたかかっただろう?",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "すてき",
"unlifted": "素敵な"
"lifted": "くるま",
"unlifted": "車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "じゃない"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "ずいぶん"
"lifted": "たか",
"unlifted": "高かった"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "だろう"
"english": "My grandmother likes traveling by train.",
"kanji": "祖母は列車で旅行をするのが好きだ。",
"kana": "そぼはれっしゃでりょこうをするのがすきだ。",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "そぼ",
"unlifted": "祖母"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "は"
"lifted": "れっしゃ",
"unlifted": "列車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "で"
"lifted": "りょこう",
"unlifted": "旅行"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "を"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "する"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "の"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "が"
"lifted": "す",
"unlifted": "好き"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "だ"
"english": "All of us got into the car.",
"kanji": "全員その車に乗った。",
"kana": "ぜんいんそのくるまにのった。",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "ぜんいん",
"unlifted": "全員"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "その"
"lifted": "くるま",
"unlifted": "車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "に"
"lifted": "の",
"unlifted": "乗った"
"english": "I see a red car ahead.",
"kanji": "前方に赤い車が見える。",
"kana": "ぜんぽうにあかいくるまがみえる。",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "ぜんぽう",
"unlifted": "前方"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "に"
"lifted": "あか",
"unlifted": "赤い"
"lifted": "くるま",
"unlifted": "車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "が"
"lifted": "み",
"unlifted": "見える"
"english": "He had had his old one for more than ten years.",
"kanji": "前の車は10年以上持っていた。",
"kana": "まえのくるまは10ねんいじょうもっていた。",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "まえ",
"unlifted": "前"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "の"
"lifted": "くるま",
"unlifted": "車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "は"
"lifted": "ねん",
"unlifted": "年"
"lifted": "いじょう",
"unlifted": "以上"
"lifted": "も",
"unlifted": "持っていた"
"english": "Traveling by boat takes longer than going by car.",
"kanji": "船で旅行するのは車で旅行するよりも時間がかかる。",
"kana": "ふねでりょこうするのはくるまでりょこうするよりもじかんがかかる。",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "ふね",
"unlifted": "船"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "で"
"lifted": "りょこう",
"unlifted": "旅行"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "する"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "の"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "は"
"lifted": "くるま",
"unlifted": "車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "で"
"lifted": "りょこう",
"unlifted": "旅行"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "する"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "よりも"
"lifted": "じかん",
"unlifted": "時間がかかる"
"english": "The train was derailed by a piece of iron on the track.",
"kanji": "線路の上に鉄片があったために列車は脱線した。",
"kana": "せんろのうえにてっぺんがあったためにれっしゃはだっせんした。",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "せんろ",
"unlifted": "線路"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "の"
"lifted": "うえ",
"unlifted": "上"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "に"
"lifted": "てっぺん",
"unlifted": "鉄片"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "が"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "あった"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "ために"
"lifted": "れっしゃ",
"unlifted": "列車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "は"
"lifted": "だっせん",
"unlifted": "脱線"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "した"
"english": "If you wash it, your car will shine in the sun.",
"kanji": "洗えば、車は太陽の光をあびて輝くだろう。",
"kana": "あらえば、くるまはたいようのひかりをあびてかがやくだろう。",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "あら",
"unlifted": "洗えば"
"lifted": "くるま",
"unlifted": "車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "は"
"lifted": "たいよう",
"unlifted": "太陽"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "の"
"lifted": "ひかり",
"unlifted": "光"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "を"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "あびて"
"lifted": "かがや",
"unlifted": "輝く"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "だろう"
"english": "Tanks and planes may defeat the troops but they cannot conquer the people.",
"kanji": "戦車や飛行機は軍隊を打ち破ることはできようが、国民を征服することはできない。",
"kana": "せんしゃやひこうきはぐんたいをうちやぶることはできようが、こくみんをせいふくすることはできない。",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "せんしゃ",
"unlifted": "戦車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "や"
"lifted": "ひこうき",
"unlifted": "飛行機"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "は"
"lifted": "ぐんたい",
"unlifted": "軍隊"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "を"
"lifted": "うちやぶ",
"unlifted": "打ち破る"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "こと"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "は"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "できよう"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "が"
"lifted": "こくみん",
"unlifted": "国民"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "を"
"lifted": "せいふく",
"unlifted": "征服"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "する"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "ことはできない"
"english": "Our teacher likes his new car.",
"kanji": "先生は新しい車が気に入っている。",
"kana": "せんせいはあたらしいくるまがきにっている。",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "せんせい",
"unlifted": "先生"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "は"
"lifted": "あたら",
"unlifted": "新しい"
"lifted": "くるま",
"unlifted": "車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "が"
"lifted": "きに",
"unlifted": "気に入っている"
"english": "My teacher drove me home.",
"kanji": "先生は私の家まで車で送ってくれた。",
"kana": "せんせいはわたしのいえまでくるまでおくってくれた。",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "せんせい",
"unlifted": "先生"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "は"
"lifted": "わたし",
"unlifted": "私の"
"lifted": "いえ",
"unlifted": "家"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "まで"
"lifted": "くるま",
"unlifted": "車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "で"
"lifted": "おく",
"unlifted": "送って"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "くれた"
"english": "The train bound for Sendai has just left.",
"kanji": "仙台行きの列車は出たばかりです。",
"kana": "仙台いきのれっしゃはでたばかりです。",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "い",
"unlifted": "行き"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "の"
"lifted": "れっしゃ",
"unlifted": "列車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "は"
"lifted": "で",
"unlifted": "出た"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "ばかり"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "です"
"english": "The snow prevented the train from running.",
"kanji": "雪のため列車は走れなかった。",
"kana": "ゆきのためれっしゃははしれなかった。",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "ゆき",
"unlifted": "雪"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "の"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "ため"
"lifted": "れっしゃ",
"unlifted": "列車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "は"
"lifted": "はし",
"unlifted": "走れなかった"
"english": "Owing to the snow, the train was delayed.",
"kanji": "雪のため、列車が遅れた。",
"kana": "ゆきのため、れっしゃがおくれた。",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "ゆき",
"unlifted": "雪"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "の"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "ため"
"lifted": "れっしゃ",
"unlifted": "列車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "が"
"lifted": "おく",
"unlifted": "遅れた"
"english": "The snow caused me to miss the train.",
"kanji": "雪のせいで私は電車に乗り遅れた。",
"kana": "ゆきのせいでわたしはでんしゃにのりおくれた。",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "ゆき",
"unlifted": "雪"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "のせいで"
"lifted": "わたし",
"unlifted": "私"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "は"
"lifted": "でんしゃ",
"unlifted": "電車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "に"
"lifted": "のりおく",
"unlifted": "乗り遅れた"
"english": "You must not travel on the train without a ticket.",
"kanji": "切符なしで電車に乗ってはいけません。",
"kana": "きっぷなしででんしゃにのってはいけません。",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "きっぷ",
"unlifted": "切符"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "なしで"
"lifted": "でんしゃ",
"unlifted": "電車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "に"
"lifted": "の",
"unlifted": "乗って"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "は"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "いけません"
"english": "The lorry had to stop because its load had fallen off.",
"kanji": "積み荷が落ちたので、トラックは停車しなければならなかった。",
"kana": "つみにがおちたので、トラックはていしゃしなければならなかった。",
"pieces": [
"lifted": "つみに",
"unlifted": "積み荷"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "が"
"lifted": "お",
"unlifted": "落ちた"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "ので"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "トラック"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "は"
"lifted": "ていしゃ",
"unlifted": "停車"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "し"
"lifted": null,
"unlifted": "なければならなかった"
"uri": ""